Identity, Memory,
at Castro Marim


Previous Events

Antonina Nowacka @ Quinta da Fornalha


28/04/2023 @ 6:00 pm
Quinta da Fornalha
Quinta da Fornalha, 8950-186
Antonina Nowacka is a vocalist, composer and a sound poet from Warsaw, Poland. Her main interests as an artist oscillate around subjects such as organic sound synthesis, abstract narration, minimalism, symbolism and surrealism, soundscapes and reverberation, the nature of sound, particularly how the sound can influence the nervous system and the ways that music can put the performer and audience in a specific, dream-like mindset. She uses the voice as the most organic synthesizer and a primary tool of creation, involving extended vocal techniques, folk and eastern culture influenced vocal practices, space resonances as well as various forms of sound processing and synthesis in creating minimalistic, imaginative soundscapes.

In her residency in Castro Marim, to which she applied via the Open Call we launched in January, Antonina will interpret the poetry of the region’s birds’ “dreams”, by imagining a sound and musical language capable of translating those unknown, oneiric worlds. She will present her work in the shape of a walking show at Quinta da Fornalha (where she’ll take up residence), at 6pm on April 28th.

Jiska Huizing @ Moinho das Pernadas


22/04/2023 @ 3:00 pm
Moinho das Pernadas
Jiska Huizing is a Dutch artist, musician and DJ living and working in Oslo, Norway. 

Their artistic practice is a reflection on the world’s coexisting realities; how everything is relative and in constant change. Working with media such as sound, photography, books, drawing, text and hikes, they create work that contains a sense of searching and of wandering, and that questions how we perceive our surroundings. Walking is important in their practice, both as a concept and a working method. 
Currently, Huizing is working on a new artist audiobook, focused on how we orient ourselves and with this project in mind, they will concentrate on the relations between places during the residency; how places resonate in and with each other. Using walking and field recording as working methods, they will visit a range of spaces and sites in and around Castro Marim, both alone and together with others. 
As part of their residency, Huizing will hold a workshop in soundmap making, on April 22nd at 3pm at the Moinho das Pernadas (Pernadas watermill) in Odeleite.
Participation is free (the indicative minimum age is 12 yo) and there’s no need to sign up beforehand - just show up at the Moinho das Pernadas.

Maria Reis @ Igreja Matriz de Odeleite


24/03/2023 @ 6:00 pm
Igreja Matriz de Odeleite
Maria Reis é a última das artistas em residência em Castro Marim no âmbito da curadoria Filho Único, uma das associações parceiras do projeto Particular Universal.     A sua discografia a solo inclui “A Flor da Urtiga” (2021), em colaboração com o notável Panda Bear (dos Animal Collective) e “Chove na Sala, Água nos Olhos” (2019), para além de um legado de indiscutível importância enquanto metade das Pega Monstro, a banda que ao longo de quase uma década partilhou com a sua irmã Julia Reis. Já em 2022, lançou “Benefício da Dúvida”, álbum que tem vindo a promover por todo o país desde então, e que a tem ajudado a cimentar-se como uma das mais singulares fazedoras de canções do país, movendo-se com facilidade entre a pop, o rock, a experimentação, e uma forma muito única de se ser português em pleno séc.XXI - trazendo para a sua vivência urbana formas arcaicas associadas ao país rural que se vão encaixando, nas suas letras vívidas, em torno de novas possibilidades de sentido e significado.   Maria Reis estará em residência na aldeia de Odeleite, a partir de 15 de Março, desenvolvendo trabalho rumo a novas canções, e apresentar-se-á em concerto no dia 24 na magnífica Igreja Matriz de Odeleite.

Signe Lidén @ Mercado Municipal / Posto de Turismo


28/02/2023 @ 5:30 pm
Mercado Municipal / Posto de Turismo
R. de São Sebastião 3, 8950-281 Castro Marim
Apresentação inicial: 28 de Fevereiro, 17:30, Mercado Municipal/Posto de Turismo - apresentação da artista e do trabalho a realizar com recurso a som

Oslo-based Signe Lidén works with the connections between place, sensation and sound. Through sound recordings, instrument building and personal interactions, Signe approaches each place as part of geological, biological and atmospheric processes linked to social and economic relationships, creating sound installations, videos and performances, as well as sound essays and archives.

In her residency in Castro Marim, the artist proposes to focus in particular on the subterranean and subaquatic sounds of the region, using a self-constructed instrument and special microphones to capture the resonances and vibrations caused by the tides and ocean currents throughout the territory of Castro Marim.

The artist will present her practice on the 28th of February, in a session at Mercado Municipal. At the end of the residency, the subterranean sounds will be unveiled at a public showcase at Auditório da Biblioteca Municipal de Castro Marim, on the 10th of March.
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