Identity, Memory,
at Castro Marim

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Jiska Huizing @ Moinho das Pernadas

22/04/2023 @ 3:00 pm
Moinho das Pernadas
Jiska Huizing is a Dutch artist, musician and DJ living and working in Oslo, Norway. 

Their artistic practice is a reflection on the world’s coexisting realities; how everything is relative and in constant change. Working with media such as sound, photography, books, drawing, text and hikes, they create work that contains a sense of searching and of wandering, and that questions how we perceive our surroundings. Walking is important in their practice, both as a concept and a working method. 
Currently, Huizing is working on a new artist audiobook, focused on how we orient ourselves and with this project in mind, they will concentrate on the relations between places during the residency; how places resonate in and with each other. Using walking and field recording as working methods, they will visit a range of spaces and sites in and around Castro Marim, both alone and together with others. 
As part of their residency, Huizing will hold a workshop in soundmap making, on April 22nd at 3pm at the Moinho das Pernadas (Pernadas watermill) in Odeleite.
Participation is free (the indicative minimum age is 12 yo) and there’s no need to sign up beforehand - just show up at the Moinho das Pernadas.